Use this screen to view estimate totals information. This screen has no editable fields.
Description of fields on the screen
Field Label | Description |
Labor |
These values are the total of all labor charges for the current estimate. |
Parts |
These values are the total of all part charges for the current estimate. |
Materials |
This is the total of all Paint, Materials, and Body Supplies charges for the current estimate. Note: Depending on how your system is set up, body supplies may not be included in the materials subtotal. |
Miscellaneous |
The total of all miscellaneous charges for the current estimate. |
Subtotal |
The calculated sum of all the charges (Labor, Parts, Materials, Misc., and Taxes), before the Pre-Tax discount, for the current estimate. |
Pre-Tax Discount (%) |
This is the percent discount for the current estimate. The bottomline discount is calculated working backward from the estimate total. This rate will be used as though it had been specified instead of an amount. |
Pre-Tax Discount (amount) |
The amount of discount calculated for the current estimate. If the bottomline discount is specified as a flat amount, this field will contain that amount. If the bottomline discount is specified as a percentage, this field will contain the calculated discount. |
Tax |
The total of all tax charges for the current estimate. Tax Types are displayed. |
This value is the calculated total gross cost of repairs for the current estimate. This amount includes any adjustments. |
Adjustments | Appearance allowance, related prior damage, deductible are itemized in this field.adjustments |
This is the calculated sum of all subtotals, adjustments, and discounts. This is the insurance pay amount. |
Lines |
When you select this tab, you go to the estimate lines. |
Other Charges |
When you select this tab, you go to the Estimate Miscellaneous charges screen. |
Totals |
When you select this tab, you go to the Estimate Totals screen. |
Show droplist |
From this droplist, select the desired estimate type, status, and number (Preliminary Estimate, Estimate of Record, Preliminary Supplement nn, Supplement of record nn, UPD Estimate). Where nn = supplement number 1 through 99. |
See Also
Viewing Estimate Materials Cost
Viewing Estimate Costs by Parts Classification
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